Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Triste pero muy lindo - El mareo

"Avanzo y escribo
decido el camino
las ganas que quedan se marchan
con vos

Se apaga el deseo
ya no me entrenvero
y hablar eso
que se me iba

Con los ojos no te veo
se que se me viene el mareo
y es entonces
cuando quiero
salir a caminar

El agua me ciega
hay vidrio en la arena
ya no me da pena
dejarte que un adios

Asi son las cosas
amargas borrosas
son fotos veladas
de un tiempo mejor"

Que lindo este parte: "Con los ojos no te veo se que se me viene el mareo...El agua me ciega hay vidrio en la arena..."

Pues, duele el amor, no? Asi es la vida...

Monday, September 27, 2010


You selfish thing! You always leave me behind...

We would always walk out of the door together but I never seem to be able to keep up with you. You are just too fast for me keep up with but I really wish you could stop for a second and wait for me - just try once, will you?!!

I guess the worst part of all is that you leave me with a giant box of memories - your smiles, your tears and everything else you like to put into the box. Enough is enough - I don't really want your gift box!! I would rather have you with me by my side.

Now, stop disappearing on me and leaving me the box of memories!! Instead, try to stay with me a bit longer.

BUT, I know that,,, that I will never be able to stop you nor would I ever be able to catch up with the amount of "time" you've spent with me in this life time. Thank you for all the good times, you selfish thing!

P.S. This may not make sense to everyone.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The life we shared together

I slowly close my eyes and there I hear,
your soft voice

I slowly open my eyes there I see,
your gentle smile

The streets we walked together
The moments we laughed together
The whiteness we longed for together

I am dreaming now and here I am,
Smiling back at you

The life we shared together...

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Run

Running and running
Running, yet again

The yellow cars
The purple trees
The "Maroon 5"s

We are all running
what are we running after?

We are all going somewhere
Where are we going?

My heart is racing

What are we looking for?
Where is the destination?

My heart is still racing

It is just a journey we are after.
There is no real destination.

Stop my heartbeat racing...


The smell of you
The sound of you

I don't know where to go

The long walk along the Bay Street
The long walk along the Rhine River

Feeling the rain soaking my hair right now
I see you walking out my window

Having a cup of tea right now
I hear you calling my name out the window

Captured in memories
I see your smile

I miss you...
How did I get here?
Time, please explain...

Where do I go now?

City lights...

You, me and all of us
We are lighting up the city tonight.

I see the thousands of city lights.
I hear the cars and I smell the air.

Summer is gone but Autumn is coming.
You are gone but he is coming.

Old memories are coming back.
Old friends are coming back.

New stories will be written.
New colours will be added to my painting book.

We will light up the city together for as long as we are here together.

I am missing you tonight.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Stop you all downers! Now, what's it going to be?

Just recently, I sort of realized how there are so many downers incessantly complaining about everything and anything they can possibly find around them. They are literally never ever happy and really the sad part is that they steal other people's positive energy by trying to put others in the same bad mood...

But really, how can you expect your life to be perfectly happy all the time?!! I understand that no one is happy all the time. Of course, we go through bad times every now and then. At the end, it's about how you would accept such situations and deal with those griefs, sorrow, anger and all those emotions that you are not exactly fond of.

In fact, all your complaints and disappointment stem from high expectations from anything e.g. others, society, the world... Stop expecting so much from others and try to look into your inner-self, reflect yourself and start putting things into perspective.

When you have issues (mostly your issues will involve other human beings directly or indirectly), stop blaming others for everything and try to understand and communicate. These things of course take a lot of patience but if things don't work out after you give it a try, then walk away. Don't complain nor let them upset you - just leave it and accept how some things and people out there are different from you. The moment you are starting to get upset heavily, you are giving away your happy and positive energy.

I've recently encountered a few people trying really hard to make me feel bad with their perpetual negative energy but!! I survived!! AND! realized how I've grown some thick skin as they unfortunately failed. :-) This may sound crazy but I picture some kind of silvery bubble around me when things are about to get upsetting. I tell myself I am protected by some kind of silvery shield around me and nothing trivial can really get into the shield to get me.

A. Life indeed is beautiful and you only live once.
B. Most likely your problem is nothing compared to those dying of hunger out there.
C. Be grateful.
D. Try to focus on the solution and be happy again.

Not that I've lived that long and that I know the best on how to live life but my recent experiences and realization just brought me so much balance and joy in my life. Don't let things bother you easily you downers, complainers and sensitive people out there. Life's short so, stop wasting your time on the negative side of life and be happy!!!

Now, what is it going to be? It's up to you to shape your own life: a happy face or a sad face? xxx