Tuesday, March 8, 2011

"Don’t cling to your illusion of safety"

As I was trying to find more ways to overcome different kinds of fear in life, I stumbled across this article below that I can't agree more with... Nothing stays the same in life. Things are constantly changing and it clearly is challenging for us to learn how to deal with such changes in life though it doesn't seem safe and secure at all times... We can never live under constant fear of "what if"s...We just have to live each moment fully with grace and gratitude.
“Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. The fearful are caught as often as the bold."
Helen Keller

“Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature…. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing."
Helen Keller

"Why do people sit on their hands? Is it just because they become paralyzed with fear? I’d say no. Another big reason why people don’t face their fears is because they think they are safe where they are right now. But the truth is what Keller says; safety is mostly a superstition. It is created in your mind to make you feel safe. But there is no safety out there really. It is all uncertain and unknown.

You may get laid off.
Someone may break up with you and leave.
Illness will probably strike.
Death will certainly strike in your surroundings and at some point come to visit you too.
Who knows what will happen?

This superstition of safety is not just something negative. It’s also created by your mind so you can function in life. No point in going all paranoid about what could happen a minute from now day in and day out. But there is also not that much point in clinging to an illusion of safety. So you need to find balance where you don’t obsessed by the uncertainty but also recognize that it is there and live accordingly.

As you stop clinging to your safety life also becomes a whole lot more exciting and interesting. You are no longer as confined by an illusion and realize that you set your limits for what you can do and to a large extent create your own freedom in the world. You are no longer building walls to keep yourself safe as those walls wouldn’t protect you anyway."

[Source] http://www.positivityblog.com/index.php/2008/10/03/how-to-overcome-your-fear-7-tips-from-the-last-2200-years/

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